Gangs of New York ha attualmente un voto medio di 7.2 su 10 basato sulla valutazione di 987 utenti sulla nostra piattaforma.

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Critico Angie Errigo
ha valutato 8

An ironic, emotional, gory revision of the American Experiment, marred by narrative problems but sufficiently awesome in its ambitious scale and intentions to rate as a must-see.

Leggi recensione completa su Empire
Felipe Fernandes
ha valutato 8

Filme disponível no streaming da Brasil Paralelo (BP Select).

11 mesi fa
Critico Frederik Asschenfeldt Vandrup
ha valutato 8

...en absolut anbefalelsesværdig opvisning i storslåede scener og blændende skuespil.

Leggi recensione completa su Cinemazone
Cecilia stockholm
ha valutato 4

Tråkigt när jag inte känner något för karaktärerna i filmen. Bryr mig inte om vem som vinner…

1 anno fa
Critico Cynthia Fuchs
ha valutato 10

It’s a spectacle of awful lessons, many long lost today.

Leggi recensione completa su Popmatters
Critico Roger Ebert
ha valutato 9

That American democracy emerged from this cauldron is miraculous. We put the Founding Fathers on our money, but these Founding Crooks for a long time held sway.

Leggi recensione completa su Roger Ebert
Critico Lisa Schwarzbaum
ha valutato 8

Every resident in the whole, grimy mosaic of Scorsese's Olde Big Apple -- the thieves and the reformers, the poor and the dirt-poor -- knows how to needle the guy next to him.

Leggi recensione completa su Entertainment Weekly
Critico Marjorie Baumgarten
ha valutato 7

...a monumental piece of filmmaking that at once tells a little-explored aspect of the making of New York City -- and America...

Leggi recensione completa su The Austin Chronicle
Critico Rob Mackie
ha valutato 6

Scorsese's historical epic is certainly teeming with life and the crowd scenes are as confidently mounted as you'd expect.

Leggi recensione completa su The Guardian
Critico Chuck Rudolph
ha valutato 10 an elegy for everyone, and everything, that lingers on, long after they have been forgotten, in our dreams.

Leggi recensione completa su Slant Magazine
Critico Viktor Jerner
ha valutato 8

...en episk, ambitiös och makalöst välgjord film som präglas av den autentiska tidskänslan och de briljanta skådespelarna.

Leggi recensione completa su Moviezine