All roles

The Unknown Soldier
2017, Movie - Drammatico, Guerra
2020, Show - Drammatico, Guerra
Enemy of the People
2022, Show - Crimine, Drammatico
2018, Movie - Drammatico, Thriller
Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone
2023, Movie - Famiglia, Fantasy
70 Is Just a Number
2021, Movie - Commedia
Northern Quality
2022, Movie - Commedia
The Liberation of Skopje
2016, Movie - Drammatico
Pieniä suuria valheita
2018, Movie - Drammatico, Commedia
2 Nights Till Morning
2016, Movie - Drammatico, Romantici
The Night Servants
2019, Show - Drammatico, Gialli
Unexpected Journey
2017, Movie - Drammatico, Commedia
The Look of a Killer
2016, Movie - Crimine, Thriller
Under the North Star
2009, Movie - Drammatico, Storia
2008, Movie - Drammatico
2018, Movie - Drammatico
Vares - The Kiss of Evil
2011, Movie - Azione, Crimine
5 Days of War - Linea nemica
2011, Movie - Drammatico, Guerra
Body Fat Index of Love
2012, Movie - Commedia
2018, Movie - Commedia
The Year of '85: Rock Your Memories
2013, Movie - Commedia, Musica
Harbour Brothers
2004, Movie - Commedia, Musica
Maan mitta
2007, Show - Drammatico
2000, Movie - Drammatico, Romantici