All roles

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2011, Movie - Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Johan Falk: The End
2015, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
The Third Wave
2003, Movie - Action, Thriller
Johan Falk: Kodnamn: Lisa
2013, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Zero Tolerance
1999, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Executive Protection
2001, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
The Inner Circle
2019, Show - Drama, War
Johan Falk: Leo Gaut
2009, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Johan Falk: Lockdown
2015, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Morgan Pålsson - World Reporter
2008, Movie - Comedy
Nattbuss 807
1997, Movie - Crime, Drama
Johan Falk: Ur askan i elden
2015, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Johan Falk: The Outlaws
2009, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Operation Ragnarok
2018, Movie - Action, Drama, Horror
1991, Movie - Crime, Comedy
1989, Movie - Drama, War
Nästan inget
2021, Show - Comedy
Fars lilla tös
2000, Movie - Comedy
King Lily of the Valley
2013, Movie - Crime, Thriller
2010, Movie - Adventure, Family
Scenes from a Celebrity Life
2009, Movie - Comedy
Beautiful Weather
1996, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
There's No One Safer
1993, Movie - Thriller
Sektor 236
2010, Movie - Sci-Fi, Horror