All roles

Ghost in the Shell
2017, Movie - Action, Crime, Drama
Dragon Blade
2015, Movie - Action, Adventure, Fantasy
2016, Movie - Crime, Drama, Thriller
The Goldfinger
2023, Movie - Crime, Drama
Ultimate Code
2021, Movie - Drama
2017, Show - Crime, Adventure
Chasing the Dragon
2017, Movie - Action, Crime, History
Little Big Master
2015, Movie - Drama
The White Storm 2: Drug Lords
2019, Movie - Action, Drama, Thriller
2019, Movie - Thriller
2019, Movie - Action, Sci-Fi, Horror
2015, Movie - Action, Crime, Mystery
Lust and Found
2015, Movie - Crime, Comedy
Pound of Flesh
2015, Movie - Action
Change of Gangster
2019, Movie - Action, Comedy
Agent Mr. Chan
2018, Movie - Action, Comedy, Romance
From Vegas to Macau
2014, Movie - Action, Comedy
Mission Milano
2016, Movie - Action, Comedy