All roles

Citizen Rosi
2019, Movie - dokumentar
Luchino Visconti: Between Truth and Passion
2016, Movie - dokumentar
Sodankylä Forever
2010, Movie - dokumentar
Sophia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
2007, Movie - dokumentar
Luchino Visconti: Life as in a Novel
2008, Movie - dokumentar
Red Chairs - Parma and the Cinema
2014, Movie - dokumentar
Filmmakers in Action
2006, Movie - dokumentar
Investigation of a Citizen Named Volonté
2004, Movie - dokumentar
The Filmmaker and the Labyrinth
2004, Movie - dokumentar
Neapolitan Diary
1992, Movie - dokumentar
The Truce
1997, Movie - drama, historie, krig
1984, Movie - drama, musikk
Luchino Visconti
1999, Movie - dokumentar
A Dream of Sicily
2000, Movie - dokumentar
Affæren Mattei
1972, Movie - drama
Tre brødre
1981, Movie - drama
Makten og dens pris
1976, Movie - thriller
12 Directors for 12 Cities
1989, Movie - dokumentar
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
1987, Movie - krim, drama, thriller
Many Wars Ago
1970, Movie - drama, krig