Alle roller

Rom – åpen by
1945, Film - drama, historie, krig
Jeg er Ingrid
2015, Film - dokumentar, historie
The Rossellinis
2020, Film - dokumentar
The War of the Volcanoes
2012, Film - dokumentar
L'ultimo Pulcinella
2009, Film - drama
Birth of a Nation
1997, Film - dokumentar
Ingrid Bergman Remembered
1996, Film - dokumentar
Rossellini Through His Own Eyes
1993, Film - dokumentar
The Night of Counting the Years
1969, Film - drama, historie
General Della Rovere
1959, Film - drama, krig
The Age of the Medici
1972, Serie - drama
1971, Film - drama, historie
Blaise Pascal
1972, Film - drama
The Messiah
1975, Film - drama, historie
Tyskland, anno null
1948, Film - drama
Journey To Italy
1954, Film - drama, romantikk
1979, Film - drama, fantasy, skrekk
The Taking of Power by Louis XIV
1966, Film - drama, historie
Befrielsens tid
1946, Film - drama, krig
India: Matri Bhumi
1959, Film - dokumentar, drama
Hun ofret seg selv
1952, Film - drama
Escape by Night
1960, Film - drama, krig
The Flowers of St. Francis
1950, Film - drama, historie, komedie