
How to increase your will power poster

In this episode in intermediate Danish, we will talk about how to build more will power simply by limiting the amount of decisions you need to make. This technique is used by Mark Zuckerberg and President Obama among others. The episode is based off Christian Staal’s blog which can be found at Christian Have a great week and as always you are welcome to shoot me an email at

17 mins
Is happiness really something we should strive for? poster

In this podcast in intermediate Danish we will be talking about happiness and if it’s really worth striving for. If you could live in a coma in a happiness machine and be 100% happy and never know you were in a coma, would you do it? Today’s podcast is based on a blog from Christian Staal. You can find his blog at

29 mins
Welcome to the third happiest country in the world! poster

This episode in intermediate Danish is about happiness and about what happiness is made up of. The article is based off Christian Staal’s blog which you can find at As always, you are welcome to send me an email at

17 mins
Ethical dilemmas - should we sacrifice one person to save five? poster

This episode in intermediate Danish is about ethical dilemmas. If five people were laying on the trolley tracks and you could divert an oncoming trolley by pulling on a handle and then only kill one person laying on the diversion tracks, what would you? This week’s podcast is based on an article written by Christian Staal. You can find it at

22 mins
Instant gratification or long term succes poster

This episode is about how instant gratification can get in the way of obtaining success. Basically, would you rather have one piece of candy now or wait 15 minutes and have two pieces? If that’s you, what can you do to fix that? This week’s episode is based on an article written by Christian Staal. You can find it at

23 mins
Envy - can it be a good thing? poster

This episode is about envy. Is it possible that feeling envious could actually be a good thing? And if so, why? This weeks episode is based on an article written by Christian Staal. You can find it at

11 mins
How to develop habits that last poster

In this episode, we will be talking (entirely in Danish) about James Clear’s 3R model on how to develop new habits that last. The three Rs stand for Reminder (påmindelse), Routine (rutine) and Reward (belønning). I hope you enjoy the podcast. As always, you are welcome to reach out to me at   The episode is based on an article from

29 mins
How small habits create success poster

Welcome back to our podcast in intermediate Danish. The podcast is entirely in Danish (although this description is in English). On this episode, we will be talking about the importance of small habits when it comes to success. This is especially true when it comes to learning a language. The episode is based on an excerpt of James Clear’s book Atomic Habits that I found on a blog called I hope you enjoy the episode! Christina

16 mins
Motivation - come get some! poster

In this intermediate Danish podcast, we will be talking about motivation. More specifically, we will be talking about one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's most influential speeches on motivation. Here is a link to Arnold's speech on Youtube:   Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section or to drop me a line at :

27 mins
Understanding a Danish news article - Mand overfaldet med økse poster

In this intermediate Danish podcast, I'll be reading a Danish news article about a man who was attacked with an axe. Link to article:  

24 mins
Introduction - about this podcast and what to expect in coming podcasts poster

Welcome to Danish With Christina! This is the very first episode of our podcast in intermediate Danish. Listen in to find out what this podcast is and will be about, and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss the coming podcasts! Feel free to write me about subjects your would like me to talk about in this podcast:

6 mins


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