Holy Spider currently has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 and has been rated by 127 users on our platform.

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rated 9

The miasma of the religious, misogynistic violence leaked from the screen and choked me up. I am used to the poetry of Kiarostami and even Farhadi showing a nuanced picture of Iran; but given the news these days this movie seems closer.

1 year ago
Critic Neil Smith
rated 8

...a clinical piece of filmmaking that starkly sets out the toxicity of zealotry fuelled by misogyny.

Read full review at Gamesradar
Critic Peter Bradshaw
rated 6

It goes beyond the denouement and the arrest, extending the murderer’s conceited theatre of cruelty to the police cell, the law courts and the media arena.

Read full review at The Guardian
Anders Korsgaard Pedersen
rated 8

Brutal and very important movie that echoes Teheran these days

1 year ago
Critic David Jenkins
rated 6

Ali Abbasi crafts a thriller ripped from the headlines in this story of 'The Spider Killer' who targeted female sex workers in Mashhad, Iran.

Read full review at Little White Lies
Critic Andrea Beach
rated 8

This crime thriller does a good job of building and keeping up tension and suspense right to the very end.

Read full review at Common Sense Media
Critic Marjorie Baumgarten
rated 8

The rapes and murders are gruesome, and we witness several. This is not a film for the squeamish or those easily triggered.

Read full review at The Austin Chronicle
Ronny Svensson
rated 7

Spännande, obehaglig och tyvärr ytterligare en sann historia om mäns våld mot kvinnor…

6 months ago
Critic Claus Christensen
rated 8

Selv om Ali Abbasi er ude i et større ærinde, bemestrer han også thrillerens nervepirrende spænding.

Read full review at Filmmagasinet Ekko
Per Mygind
rated 9

så lykkedes det endelig at komme i biffen - fantastisk film - den blir hængende lidt i bevidstheden

1 year ago
Critic Jakob Freudendal
rated 7

Abbasis mål er ikke at begå sensationalistisk true crime, men at skildre den kultur af kvindehad, som han mener har rodfæstet sig i Iran.

Read full review at Soundvenue
Critic Alexander Kardelo
rated 8

...en djupt ohygglig thriller som griper tag i en, skakar om en och får en att ifrågasätta mänskligheten.

Read full review at Moviezine
Critic Mia Brygger
rated 8

...en bundhamrende nødvendig film for vores egen frelse.

Read full review at Cinemazone
Helene Hagedorn Hansen
rated 9

Puha barsk fortælling. Rigtig god

10 months ago
Critic Calle Wahlström
rated 8

Det är en hårresande berättelse, både sett till brotten i sig och det efterspel där Hanaei hyllades som en hjälte i konservativa kretsar.

Read full review at Nöjesguiden
Critic Helena Lindblad
rated 8

...ett mörkt drama om våld mot kvinnor.

Read full review at Dagens Nyheter