All roles

2023, Movie - Biography, Documentary, Culture
Midnight in Paris
2011, Movie - Fantasy, Comedy, Romance
Match Point
2005, Movie - Crime, Drama, Romance
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
2008, Movie - Drama, Romance
Annie Hall
1977, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
A Rainy Day in New York
2019, Movie - Comedy, Romance
Allen v. Farrow
2021, Show - Crime, Documentary
1979, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
Blue Jasmine
2013, Movie - Drama
Café Society
2016, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
1998, Movie - Animation, Adventure, Family
Crimes and Misdemeanors
1989, Movie - Drama, Comedy
Husbands and Wives
1992, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
New York Stories
1989, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
Wonder Wheel
2017, Movie - Drama, Romance
Hannah and Her Sisters
1986, Movie - Drama, Comedy
2006, Movie - Comedy, Mystery
The Purple Rose of Cairo
1985, Movie - Fantasy, Comedy, Romance
Rifkin's Festival
2020, Movie - Comedy, Romance
1983, Movie - Comedy
Anything Else
2003, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
Stroke of Luck
2023, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
Whatever Works
2009, Movie - Comedy, Romance
Deconstructing Harry
1997, Movie - Drama, Comedy