All roles

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
2007, Movie - Action, Drama, Western
We’re All Going to the World’s Fair
2022, Movie - Drama, Horror
The ABCs of Death
2013, Movie - Horror
2021, Movie - Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror
Beyond the Black Rainbow
2010, Movie - Mystery, Sci-Fi, Horror
Hellraiser: Hellseeker
2002, Movie - Mystery, Horror, Thriller
Adam: The Prophet
2017, Movie - Animation, Sci-Fi
Hollow in the Land
2017, Movie - Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Home Invasion
2016, Movie - Crime, Drama, Thriller
2016, Movie - Action
Down Here
2014, Movie - Crime, Drama, Mystery
Welcome to the Circle
2020, Movie - Horror
The Unspoken
2015, Movie - Mystery, Horror, Thriller
Past Tense
2006, Movie - Thriller
2008, Movie - Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Badge of Betrayal
1997, Movie - Thriller
Still Not Quite Human
1992, Movie - Family, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The Hitman
1991, Movie - Action
2000, Movie - Action, Crime, Adventure
Children of the Corn: Revelation
2001, Movie - Horror
The Thing Below
2004, Movie - Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller