All roles

End Game : Complot à la Maison Blanche
2006, Movie - Action, Policier, Drame
La maison des souvenirs
2013, Movie - Famille, Romance
Chronicle of a Serial Killer
2020, Movie - Thriller
Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee
2007, Movie - Documentaire, Comédie
The Genius Club
2006, Movie - Drame, Thriller
À nous deux, Manhattan
1987, Show - Drame
Stalker: Shadow of Obsession
1994, Movie - Thriller
Tequila et Bonetti
1992, Show - Drame, Aventure, Comédie
Everything to Gain
1996, Movie - Drame, Mystère, Romance
Runaway Father
1991, Movie - Drame
Dans les yeux de l'assassin
1992, Movie - Thriller
Vacances de rêve
2006, Movie - Comédie, Romance
Shattered Lies
2002, Movie - Action, Thriller
The Star Maker
1981, Movie - Drame
Under Oath
1997, Movie - Action, Thriller
1994, Movie - Action, Aventure
1990, Movie - Thriller
Chicano Blood
2008, Movie - Action, Policier
The Other Lover
1985, Movie - Drame, Romance
After the Shock
1990, Movie - Drame
Lady Boss
1992, Show - Drame
Hollywood Wives The New Generation
2003, Movie - Drame