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Note des critiques 7.5


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a noté 5

I enjoyed the film, the actors played well, but I couldn't understand the plot very well because Sony chopped a lot of scenes from the trailers. Also, the video was often too dark to clearly discern many details. The sequel should clarify the...

2 ans auparavant
Aleksandor1 Pauli Voss Hansen
a noté 1

This movie puts BAD in “This is a BAD movie

1 an auparavant
Critique Leah Greenblatt
a noté 7

...the movie, with its canny mix of whiz-bang violence, goth atmosphere, and high camp, feels pleasingly pulpy and urgent...

Lire l'évaluation complète dans Entertainment Weekly
Michael Alexander Eckmann
a noté 1

Such a mess, a waste of time.

1 an auparavant
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Jannik Andersen
a noté 10

Great movie!

1 an auparavant
a noté 7

Good morning

1 an auparavant
Nicolas Negro
a noté 5


1 an auparavant
oscar zamora
a noté 10


1 an auparavant

Distribution et équipe technique

Daniel Espinosa
Michael Keaton
En tant que Adrian Toomes / Vulture
Jared Harris
En tant que Dr. Emil Nicholas
Corey Johnson
En tant que Mr. Fox
Jared Leto
En tant que Dr. Michael Morbius / Morbius
Al Madrigal
En tant que Agent Alberto Rodriguez
Tyrese Gibson
En tant que Agent Simon Stroud

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Morbius est sorti au cinéma le 30 mars 2022.

Quand Morbius est sorti en streaming ? Toggle content

Morbius est sorti en streaming le 12 octobre 2022.