Decision to Leave currently has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 and has been rated by 176 users on our platform.

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Marcio Oliveira
rated 6

Hade stora förväntningar men filmen var för lång.

1 year ago
Kriitikko Peter Bradshaw
rated 10

It’s a gorgeously and grippingly made picture and Tang Wei is magnificent.

Read full review at The Guardian
Kriitikko Neil Smith
rated 8

...casting an intoxicating spell, one you may well find lingering around for days after you see it.

Read full review at Gamesradar
Ronny Svensson
rated 7

Lite för intrikat och ”smart” för sitt eget bästa enligt mitt förmenande… Park gör vassa, våldsamma rullar som t ex Old Boy och Hämnarens Resa, denna gång är förebilderna Sjöwall/ Wahlöö och Maestro Hitchcock där känslor och lust kommer i vägen fö...

1 year ago
Michael Thomsen
rated 9

Jeg er ikke god til at følge indviklede film noir plots med overrskende 'twists and turns', men FUCK en flot film. smukt filmet og klippet og 'lyddesignet'.

1 year ago
Kriitikko Nick De Semlyen
rated 8

Yes, this is an erotic cop thriller. Fortunately, though, it’s a Park Chan-wook erotic cop thriller.

Read full review at Empire
Kriitikko Tim Robey
rated 8

...a dizzyingly complex drama with an eye for Vertigo.

Read full review at The Telegraph
Kriitikko David Ehrlich
rated 8

...Park’s funny, playful, and increasingly poignant crime thriller is less interested in what Hae-joon (Park Hae-il) knows about his suspect than in how he feels about her.

Read full review at Indie Wire
Kriitikko M.N. Miller
rated 10

Reminiscent of Hitchcock, the tone is seamless, the performances by Park Hae-il and Tang Wei are flawless, and the storytelling is addictively satisfying and engrossing.

Read full review at Ready Steady Cut
Kriitikko Hannah Strong
rated 8

The South Korean auteur known for squid-chomping, luxe erotica and graphic torture is back with a seductive mystery thriller.

Read full review at Little White Lies
Kriitikko Brianna Zigler
rated 7 extravagant and hopelessly romantic thriller that weaves past and present into something entirely its own.

Read full review at Paste Magazine
Kriitikko Josh Kupecki
rated 8

It’s about trust, you see, about letting go, and doing so will reveal as sublimely satisfying a romantic mystery as you're likely to see.

Read full review at The Austin Chronicle
Kriitikko Mark Keizer
rated 8

...with Decision To Leave, Park expands his formidably-deep skill set.

Read full review at The A.V. Club
Kriitikko Björn Jansson
rated 8

...supersnygg hyllning till Martin Beck.

Read full review at Sveriges Radio
Kriitikko Viktor Jerner
rated 10

Den oemotståndliga doften av klassisk noir ligger som en tät dimma över Park Chan-wooks senaste opus.

Read full review at Moviezine
Kriitikko Hynek Pallas
rated 8

Park Chan-wooks nya romantiska thriller för tankarna till både Hitchcock och Martin Beck och är det smartaste och känsligaste som regissören åstadkommit hittills.

Read full review at Göteborgsposten