
211: Les rénovations se paient cher … à moins que l’on ne les fasse soi-même! poster

This time, our lesson relates to a DIY job that frightens off a lot people, that is, laying tiles. Let’s start with a dialogue.

13 mins
210: ‘Que penses-tu de chatGPT? Faut-il en avoir peur?’ poster

Since the launch of chatGPT in November 2022, everyone is talking about it. Some are in awe of its potential while others go so far as to say that it represents an existential threat. Let’s talk about this technological evolution in this lesson.

15 mins
209 : Vers une société sans argent liquide poster

It seems we are inexorably headed towards a cashless society. It is not uncommon now for some retailers to even refuse cash payments. What are the consequences of this development? Let’s talk about it.

13 mins
208 : ‘Les garçons ne pleurent pas’ poster

In this lesson, we will hear Bertrand’s thoughts on a book he has just finished reading. But we are going to discover that the book’s title isn’t really true.

14 mins
207: J'ai eu le covid. poster

People were starting to feel invincible. After over two year’s of covid, they were saying to themselves: ‘it’s over – we can get back to normality’. But covid is still circulating. Let’s start with a conversation.

12 mins
206: De retour au bureau - à temps partiel poster

After nearly two years, we are seeing a gradual return to the workplace. Working from home – travailler de sa maison – has presented both advantages and disadvantages.

16 mins
205: Le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt! poster

Some people are early-risers while others are night owls. In this lesson, we discuss an adage which makes the bold claim that people who fall into the first category are at an advantage.

16 mins
204: Prendre - un verbe polyvalent poster

One of our Beginner listeners asked about the English verb ‘to get’ which made us think about prendre. ‘Get’ is just one of the many meanings of this multipurpose French verb, depending on the context.

7 mins
203: L'indice de réparabilité - un petit pas dans la bonne direction poster

This lesson centres on an interesting initiative which should see manufacturers pull up their socks when it comes to environmentally-friendly products. Let's start with a conversation!

17 mins
202: Ça pousse, ton jardin?! poster

One of our listeners asked that we would prepare a lesson with some gardening vocabulary and that’s what we did, over WhatsApp! We have lots of interesting vocabulary to learn – let’s start with a conversation.

15 mins
201: La covid-19 - une crise inédite poster

Our conversation this time is about something which has been central to our lives around the world since the beginning of the year. We are speaking, of course, about the coronavirus pandemic. Let's get started with a conversation.

28 mins
200: La crise des opioïdes poster

The subject of this - our 200th lesson! - is the opioids crisis in the U.S. which has reached quite shocking proportions. But how did it come to this? Let’s start with a conversation.

18 mins


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