
The art of paying attention (w/ Wendy MacNaughton and Laurel Braitman) poster

If you found yourself doodling or writing a lot as a child but then lost the hobby as you grew up, Wendy MacNaughton and Laurel Braitman want to help you recapture your spark. Wendy MacNaughton is an illustrator, the author of “How to Say Goodbye”, and the creator of Draw Together, an art and learning community. Laurel Braitman is a TED Fellow, the author of the memoir “What Looks Like Bravery”, and the founder of Writing Medicine, a community of writing healthcare professionals. Together, Wendy and Laurel created Attention Club, a group of people pursuing creativity by practicing focus with one another. In this episode, Wendy and Laurel join Chris for an in-person chat at the 2024 TED Conference where they discuss the feelings that arise when sharing art with an audience and why embracing mistakes can lead to more meaningful work.For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts. 

36 mins
The meaning of embodiment w/ Prentis Hemphill poster

We often forget that our bodies and minds are fundamentally connected. But so much of our day-to-day lives are influenced by the state of our bodies. The mind-body connection is at the heart of the work of this week’s guest, Prentis Hemphill. Prentis is a therapist, somatics teacher, author, and the founder of The Embodiment Institute. Prentis joins Chris to talk through what it means to be fully present in your body and how embodiment can improve your understanding of yourself – and the world around you.For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts    

37 mins
Bonus: Prentis Hemphill poster

In this episode for TED Audio Collective + subscribers, Prentis Hemphill explains why feedback and rest are practical ways to be a better human.

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How to stay grounded in an increasingly artificial world (from The TED AI Show) poster

Today, we’re sharing the first episode of the newest TED Audio Collective Podcast – The TED AI Show. Now before you think, “wait, isn’t artificial intelligence the opposite of being human?”, know that we are wondering that too! That’s what’s nice about The TED AI Show. It asks: how is AI shaping human stuff? Join creative technologist Bilawal Sidhu as he sits down with Sam Gregory, a human rights activist and technologist, for some real talk on deepfakes, how AI is challenging our sense of what’s real and what’s fiction, and how to maintain our sense of self in this rapidly-evolving world.We hope you enjoy this episode. We'll be back with more How to Be a Better Human next week. You can listen to The TED AI Show anywhere you get your podcasts.

29 mins
How to follow the laws of nature (w/ Nonette Royo) poster

What is your relationship with the planet we live on? As a human rights lawyer and environmental activist, Nonette Royo is trying to make us all live more symbiotically with nature. She works hard to listen to indigenous peoples around the world to help them control the land they live on and have a voice in policies and decisions that combat climate change. Nonette sits down with Chris to help us better understand how native traditions can inform all of our lives and why fighting for land rights may be one of the most important policies to mitigate climate change. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts. 

33 mins
Bonus: Nonette Royo poster

In this episode for TED Audio Collective + subscribers, Nonette Royo prescribes a few very doable tasks to help you better understand your relationship with the land you live on.

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How to give and receive good advice (w/ Hola Papi’s John Paul Brammer) poster

Have you ever wished someone would just help you figure out your life? John Paul Brammer’s job is to do exactly that – he’s the writer behind the hit advice column Hola Papi. John has helped all kinds of people on topics as niche as figuring out what to do when your boyfriend pretends to be Latino to as common as answering the age-old question of how to make friends as an adult. John reveals what constitutes good advice, why a lot of problems have similar solutions, and shares what we can do to get ourselves out of our trickiest situations.For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts     

36 mins
Bonus: John Paul Brammer poster

In this episode for TED Audio Collective + subscribers, John Paul Brammer shares the practice that’s helping him be less cynical – and gives listeners a piece of advice on how to get things done.

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Re-release: How to co-parent as allies, not adversaries (with Ebony Roberts) poster

When you think of your home or your childhood, what comes to mind? Did you feel cared for and loved? Did you trust that your parents were always doing what’s best for you? Whether you are a parent or a child, healthy communication is one of the most important aspects of an intentional relationship with your family. Today’s guest, Ebony Roberts, is a writer, educator, activist, and mother. After ending their relationship, she and her ex-partner (author Shaka Senghor) decided to continue co-parenting their child. In this episode, she shares tips on how to establish good communication at home and gives deep insight on how to prioritize trust, open-ness, and of course, love. You can read more about Ebony’s story in her book, “The love prison made and unmade” (Harper Collins, 2019) and check out her talk at TED.com

32 mins
How to laugh at yourself (w/ Nuar Alsadir) poster

Poet and psychoanalyst Nuar Alsadir believes there’s a thin line between comedy and the self-discovery often found in therapy offices. In this episode, Nuar joins Chris and talks about her book Animal Joy: A Book of Laughter and Resuscitation. They discuss the power of laughter, what it means to let yourself look like a fool occasionally, how to break down the facades we create for ourselves, and the unexpected revelations she had while attending clown school. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts.

35 mins
Bonus: Nuar Alsadir poster

In this episode for TED Audio Collective+ subscribers, Nuar Alasdir explains how experiencing poetry can help people explore their full selves.

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How to build resilience through architecture (w/ Alyssa-Amor Gibbons) poster

Millions of people around the world are displaced by the enhanced natural disasters brought on by climate change, and sometimes, our economically driven world makes us feel powerless. Alyssa-Amor Gibbons knows about climate devastation and its effect on community first hand – but she thinks we can tap into our resilience through the power of design. In this episode, Alyssa shares how architecture can fundamentally change our perspective and our relationship to the planet – while helping us honor the indigenous communities that have sustained it for millennia. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts

34 mins


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