Tous les rôles

L'École fantastique
2005, Film - Aventure, Famille, Comédie
Lions et Agneaux
2007, Film - Action, Drame, Aventure
2023, Film - Comédie, Science-fiction, Horreur
American Bigfoot
2022, Film - Action, Aventure, Comédie
Pandemic Undead
2022, Film - Horreur
Amber Road
2022, Film - Horreur
Wolf Hollow
2023, Film - Comédie, Horreur
Haunted 5: Phantoms
2020, Film - Drame, Fantastique, Horreur
Remember Me 2: Forget Me Not
2023, Film - Mystère, Horreur, Thriller
Carving a Life
2017, Film - Drame, Romance
The Electric Man
2022, Film - Fantastique
H4unted: Demons
2020, Film - Mystère, Horreur, Thriller
Bridge of the Doomed
2022, Film - Action, Horreur
Werewolf Cabal
2022, Film - Horreur
The Least of These
2011, Film - Drame, Mystère, Thriller
Art of the Dead
2019, Film - Horreur
Werewolves in Heat
2015, Film - Comédie, Horreur
2021, Film - Drame, Mystère, Horreur
Le Noël rêvé de Megan
2013, Film - Drame, Fantastique, Romance
The Haunting of Hythe House
2021, Film - Horreur
Nest of Vampires
2021, Film - Horreur, Thriller
The Haunting of Borley Manor
2019, Film - Drame, Fantastique, Histoire
Impact Event
2018, Film - Science-fiction