All roles

2022, Movie - Drama
Longlasting Youth
2010, Show - Drama
A Judge of Honor
2004, Movie - Drama
Good for Nothing
2014, Movie - Comedy
Karol: The Pope, The Man
2006, Movie - Drama, History
Tutto l'amore del mondo
2010, Movie - Comedy, Romance
Un uomo perbene
1999, Movie - Drama
Blood of the Losers
2008, Movie - Drama, History
Ask for the Moon
1991, Movie - Drama, Comedy
Questo piccolo grande amore
2009, Movie - Romance
Bloody Friday
1972, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
Flight from Paradise
1990, Movie - Sci-Fi
The Five Man Army
1969, Movie - Western
Death Walks on High Heels
1971, Movie - Mystery, Horror, Thriller
The Case of the Bloody Iris
1972, Movie - Mystery, Horror, Thriller
1977, Movie - Horror
Sweet Teen
1976, Movie - Comedy, Romance
Challenge of McKenna
1970, Movie - Western
Four Times That Night
1971, Movie - Drama, Comedy
The Girl in Room 2A
1974, Movie - Horror, Thriller
1967, Movie - Comedy
Four Pistols for Trinity
1971, Movie - Western