Tous les rôles

Bundy et le tueur de la rivière verte
2019, Film - Policier, Drame, Horreur
D-Day Assassins
2019, Film - Guerre
Jurassic Predator
2018, Film - Action, Aventure, Comédie
L'Exorcisme d'Anna Ecklund
2016, Film - Horreur, Thriller
Cabin 28
2020, Film - Horreur
A Killer Next Door
2020, Film - Thriller
La légende d'Halloween Jack
2018, Film - Horreur
Haunting of Margam Castle
2020, Film - Horreur
Kill Kane
2016, Film - Action, Policier, Thriller
The Jonestown Haunting
2020, Film - Policier, Horreur
Alien: Battlefield Earth
2021, Film - Science-fiction
Robert Reborn
2019, Film - Horreur
Robert and the Toymaker
2017, Film - Horreur
2018, Film - Action, Policier
The Utah Cabin Murders
2019, Film - Policier, Horreur
The Manson Family Massacre
2019, Film - Policier, Horreur
The Curse of Halloween Jack
2019, Film - Horreur
The Revenge of Robert the Doll
2018, Film - Horreur
The Curse of Robert
2016, Film - Horreur
The Last House on Cemetery Lane
2015, Film - Horreur
Theatre of Fear
2014, Film - Horreur
2015, Film - Horreur
Werewolves of the Third Reich
2018, Film - Guerre, Horreur
A Haunting at the Rectory
2015, Film - Horreur