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Avaliação IMDb 7.7
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Avaliação da crítica 8


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Crítico William Thomas
avaliou 8

...scales giddy emotional heights, revealing a portrait of a man teetering on the brink, in more ways than one.

Leia a avaliação completa em Empiret
Crítico Roger Ebert
avaliou 10

I am afraid of heights. Now you know. That is one reason I was helplessly engrossed in "Man on Wire,"...

Leia a avaliação completa em Roger Ebertt
Crítico Noel Murray
avaliou 6

Marsh adds a repetitive, dreamy Michael Nyman score, giving Man On Wire a sort of Errol Morris-y aspect...

Leia a avaliação completa em The A.V. Clubt
Crítico Søren Langelund
avaliou 8

En på én gang original og formularisk kupfilm, hvor målet i stedet for ussel mammon er skønhed og udødelighed.

Leia a avaliação completa em Cinemazonet

Elenco e Equipe

James Marsh
Mark Lewis
David Forman
Como Himself
Philippe Petit
Como Himself
Philippe Petit
David Forman
Como Himself
Jean-Louis Blondeau
Como Himself

Frequently Asked Questions

Sobre o que é Man on Wire? Toggle content

In 1974, French daredevil Philippe Petit made history by tightrope walking between New York's iconic World Trade Center twin towers, without permission or safety nets. This heart-stopping documentary takes you on a thrilling journey with Philippe as he recounts his daring adventure and the years of meticulous planning that led up to it. With breathtaking archival footage and captivating interviews, "Man on Wire" reveals the mind-boggling story behind what has been called "the artistic crime of the century." Get ready for an exhilarating experience that will leave you breathless and inspired!

Onde posso transmitir Man on Wire? Toggle content

Man on Wire não está disponível atualmente para transmissão em EUA nos serviços de streaming que temos em nosso catálogo

Quais filmes são semelhantes a Man on Wire? Toggle content

Alguns filmes de gêneros semelhantes e que foram produzidos na mesma época que Man on Wire incluem The Wonder of Dogs, Sacred Planet, Agnes Varda: From Here To There, Dear Mr. Watterson, Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1, Yemen's Reluctant Revolutionary.