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Avaliação IMDb 6.8
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Avaliação da crítica 5


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Crítico Christy Lemire
avaliou 8

...Bell and co-star Simon Pegg are such enjoyably unlikely rom-com leads, and they have such crackling chemistry from the word go, they more than make up...

Leia a avaliação completa em Roger Ebertt
Crítico Mike D'Angelo

...chemistry is strongest at its most Sam-and-Diane, with Nancy in particular going to town on 40-year-old Jack’s obsession with her being 34 rather than 24.

Leia a avaliação completa em The A.V. Clubt
Crítico Ali Plumb
avaliou 6

...a quirky but believable set-up, two aggressively charming leads, actual jokes, an ’80s-themed dance-off, a punch-the-air run for love and a cuddly family so lovable you want to adopt them wholesale.

Leia a avaliação completa em Empiret
Crítico Steve Rose
avaliou 6

...Simon Pegg and Lake Bell really hit it off. They’re fine partners in quick-witted repartee and goofy dance steps, yet both sympathetically fallible underneath.

Leia a avaliação completa em The Guardiant

Elenco e Equipe

Ben Palmer
Simon Pegg
Como Jack
Harriet Walter
Como Fran
Olivia Williams
Como Hilary
Lake Bell
Como Nancy
Rory Kinnear
Como Sean
Ken Stott
Como Bert

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