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Frequently Asked Questions

Sobre o que é Binti? Toggle content

Binti, a 12-year-old girl from Congo, lives in Belgium with her father, who is an illegal immigrant. Binti dreams of becoming a famous vlogger, but their lives are disrupted when they are forced to flee from the police. They meet Elias, a shy boy who is fighting to save the endangered okapis in Africa. Binti and Elias become friends and work together to spread awareness about the okapis, while Binti's father and Elias' mother develop a romantic connection. But the threat of deportation looms over their heads, putting their newfound happiness at risk.

Onde posso transmitir Binti? Toggle content

Binti não está disponível atualmente para transmissão em EUA nos serviços de streaming que temos em nosso catálogo

Quais filmes são semelhantes a Binti? Toggle content

Alguns filmes de gêneros semelhantes e que foram produzidos na mesma época que Binti incluem Safety, Raya and the Last Dragon, Inside Out, Honey 3: Dare to Dance, Nimona, McFarland, USA.