
Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Politics - Election Special 2 with Baroness Natalie Bennett of the Green Party poster

in this second election special, we talk to Natalie Bennett (or Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle if we're going to be forma - but she said we didn't need to be) - one of two Green Party members in the House of Lords.  Natalie is author of the Book 'Change Everything: How we can rethink, repair and rebuild society' - one of the essential books of our time that outlines in detail how we can create the total systemic change we need. Natalie will be back in the autumn to discuss this in more detail, but in the meantime, we had a broad, deep conversation on the UK election - where it's going, where it could go and how each of us can help move a progressive, radical, thoughtful, compassionate, useful, climate-and-meta-crisis-aware agenda so that an incoming government will listen to us.  As she says, 'The Tories are Toast', but there's still a lot we can do to elect as many Green MPs as possible. Natalie Bennett website: https://www.nataliebennett.org/Natalie's Book: https://unbound.com/books/change-everythingNatalie on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GreenNatalieBennett/Natalie on Twitter https://x.com/natalieben

38 mins
Answers to the Questions of life: Biomimicry, Complexity and Peacebuilding with Dr Deborah Benham poster

Our guest this week is Dr Deborah Benham, Biomimicry Educator, Transition Town Co-Lead Link and Deep Nature Connection facilitator - which puts her in a place to really unpick what it will take for us to depart the crumbling remains of late-stage capitalism and build a world based on connection, coherence and community.  From her early days as a Marine Biologist, through her PhD on sea otters (I am not remotely envious of someone who gets to study sea otters for 3 years!), to her time in a community near Findhorn and now in a co-housing community in Dorset, Deborah's life has been oriented towards holding a vision of humanity as a helpful species on this planet.  As you'll hear, she's the co-Lead Link for Transition Network, the charity which supports the international Transition towns movement; she's a trained Biomimicry Educator and with a background in Jon Young's Deep Nature Connection work, Deborah brings a practical, experiential lived and living toolkit that she shares and teaches - of how we can build thriving human societies, cultures, communities and businesses, designing with and as nature, creating mutual benefit for all life, using tech in life affirming ways, and uplifting justice, kindness and cooperation.  We often reach an impasse where we know roughly what needs to happen, but don't have the conceptual or practical tools to bring it into being. Deborah has both - she's fully grounded in the theory of how communities of support, practice and place can come into being and she's teaching and living the practice. In fact - she's one of the core team creating the Nature Connection Camp from 4th - 10th August near Bedford in the UK so if you're around and want to experience the many ways we can weave the four threads she talks about, please hit the link in the show notes. Nature Connection Camp link for Tickets  - https://natureculturenetwork.org/connection-camp/  USE THE DISCOUNT CODE MandaConnection - VALID TILL JUNE 14TH  Promo short video - https://youtube.com/shorts/924rR_uZtdA?si=DfbMMEIdg7PSNCwt Video channel with testimonials from previous camps - https://www.youtube.com/@NatureCultureNetwork Facebook event page - https://www.facebook.com/events/1338787930132432 Resource List  Connect with Deborah Deborah's website www.deborahbenham.com Deborah on Linked In  Deborah on Instagram - Nature’s Guide to Thriving  Websites Biomimicry 3.8 Biomimicry Institute Nature Culture Network - UK Living Connection 1st / 8 Shields Transition Network Bridport Co-Housing Events, Courses, Online materials Introducing Biomimicry to your community Biomimicry - Ask Nature  Learn Biomimicry Course Capra Course Gaia Education Nature Culture Connection Camp August 2024 Nature-Based Village Building (enquire directly to Deborah to join the prototype 2024 membership) Projects Bonn im Wandel  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru2pywGzsH0Liege Food Belt https://www.theguardian.com/food/2023/jul/16/the-good-life-in-liege-the-start-of-a-food-revolution Research and Books Aldrich, Daniel -   social ties in disaster recovery  Bregman, Rutger (2021).  Humankind: A Hopeful History Macdonald, Miriam Kate (2022).  Emergent: Rewilding Nature, Regenerating Food and Healing the World by Restoring the Connection Between People and the Wild.  Pedersen Zari, M.; Hecht, K. (2020). “Biomimicry for Regenerative Built Environments: Mapping Design Strategies for Producing Ecosystem Services.” Biomimetics 2020, 5, 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomimetics5020018   Young, Jon, Ellen Haas and Evan McGown (2009).  Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature. Zelenski, J.; Warber, S.; Robinson, J.M.; Logan, A.C.; Prescott, S.L. (2023).  “Nature Connection: Providing a Pathway from Personal to Planetary Health.” Challenges 2023, 14, 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/challe14010016

83 mins
Breaking the Doom-Loop of UK Politics with Neal Lawson of Compass poster

Buy Manda's book here Our first Election Special with friend of the podcast, Neal Lawson. Neal is Director of the progressive campaign group, Compass and co-host of the Compass podcast ,called It's Bloody Complicated. Neal is a long-time progressive campaigner and a tireless advocate for Proportional Representation as a vehicle for radical progressive change in the way we do politics.  In this swift half hour, we look at the circumstances of this utterly unexpected election and Neal explains the practical steps we can take between now and polling day  with the aim of brining about what he calls a progressive 'Pitch Invasion' that will fundamentally upgrade and update the way we arrange our governance structures... Neal Lawson on Twitter https://x.com/neal_compassCompass https://www.compassonline.org.uk/Neal in Episode #150 https://accidentalgods.life/charting-a-progressive-route-through-the-political-maelstrom/https://accidentalgods.life/charting-a-progressive-route-through-the-political-maelstrom/

36 mins
The Story is in our Bones: Rewilding Ourselves with author and activist Osprey Orielle Lake poster

Once in a while, a book comes along that changes how we see the world, that re-sets something fundamental in who we are and our capacity to engage with the Web of Life.  Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer was one of these: at once poetically beautiful, spiritually inspiring and deeply thought-provoking. And now Osprey Orielle Lake has written 'The Story is in our Bones: How Worldview and Climate Justice can Remake a World in Crisis'.  This is a genuinely beautiful book on every level: full of living mythology, opening doors to how the bones of our language make the world around us, offering other perspective, other ways of being, living stories of where we came from and who we are and who we could be.  It's deeply honouring of Indigenous wisdom from around the world, and of the struggle of all those who suffer most and have done least to unleash the poly crisis that is so obviously impacting our world. The author is an extraordinary person, founder and executive director of the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) which was created to accelerate a global women's movement for the protection and defense of the Earth’s diverse ecosystems and communities. She sits on the executive committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature whose goal is to 'transform our human relationship with our planet' and on the steering committee for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, which is modelled on the Nuclear non-proliferation treaties of the last millennium, and seeks to manage a global transition to safe, renewable and affordable energy for all. In short, she works internationally with grassroots, BIPOC and Indigenous leaders, policymakers, and diverse coalitions to build climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized clean-energy future. This is one of those conversations that dived deep into the heart of what really matters - how we bring ourselves to a place of genuine connection with the Web of Life  - in time - and in ways that will create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.  We could have talked for hours, and I have no doubt we'll come back again, but in the meantime, please enjoy the many layers of being and belonging that Osprey brings to all her work. Buy the Book 'The Story is in Our Bones' Osprey's website: https://ospreyoriellelake.earth/Women's Earth and Climate Action Network International https://actionnetwork.org/groups/wecan-internationalGlobal Alliance for the Rights of Nature https://www.garn.org/ Osprey on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ospreyorielle.lake/Osprey on GoodReads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/137212679-the-story-is-in-our-bonesOsprey on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ospreyoriellelake/Osprey on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/osprey-orielle-lake-4286bb12/

64 mins
Any Human Power - Manda Scott talks about her new Thrutopian Mytho-Political thriller poster

This week the tables are turned and Maddy Harland, editor of Permaculture Magazine interviews Manda about her new 'seismic' Mytho-Political thriller, Any Human Power, which will be available from 30th May. "From a bestselling storyteller who brings together myths and speculative futures with a radical compassion, comes the story of a family at the heart of a political crisis and the ensuing uprising of a disenfranchised generation. A family that harnesses the skills and stories needed for real change, if they can choose the right path, before it is too late … As Lan lies dying, she makes a promise that binds her long into the Beyond. Fifteen years later, her teenage granddaughter, Kaitlyn, triggers an international storm of outrage that unleashes the rage of a whole betrayed generation. For one shining fragment of time, the world is with her. But then the backlash begins and soon she and those closest to her find themselves facing the wrath of the old establishment, who will use every dirty trick in the book to fight them off. Watching over the growing chaos is Lan, who taught them all to think independently, approach power sceptically and dream with clear intent. She knows more than one generation’s hopes are on the line. Nothing less than the future of humanity stands in the balance. Grand in scope, rich in courageous characters who breathe new life into ancient wisdom, here is a dream of a better future: a world we’d be proud to leave to our children and their children and on, generations down the line. ‘A polemical thriller like no other, an absorbing manifesto to change the world. It constantly surprises. Manda Scott’s characters play havoc with your emotions, her narrative keeps you turning the pages, and her ideas might just change your life.’ANDREW TAYLOR, AUTHOR OF THE SHADOWS OF LONDON ‘The critical task in present times is to find a way out of the world-destroying political status quo. To make that happen we first have to imagine how it could happen. In Any Human Power, Manda Scott uses her own supreme imaginative powers as a novel is t to open windows into the flow of possibilities.’CHRIS SMAJE, AUTHOR OF A SMALL FARM FUTURE ‘This book brilliantly depicts the frightening reality facing those who mobilise against a violent global establishment. However, instead of regarding cosmic and spiritual forces as separate from politics, this book transforms our sense of what is possible.’RUTH CATLOW, CO-FOUNDER OF FURTHERFIELD"Ordering: If you're in the UK, please either order through your local independent bookstore or  by following this link https://linktr.ee/anyhumanpowerIf you're elsewhere in the world, you have options (NB - the book is currently only available in English. If you know a publisher who'd like to publish a translated copy, please let me know) You can order from the UK at the link above and they'll ship a hardback to you anywhere in the worldIf you'd like to order through your local independent bookstore, you can let them know that the books are available through the distributors   - Gardners UK or Ingrams USorYou can order an ebook from your national Amazon, Kobo or Apple stores and whichever you do - if you like it, please do leave a review at Amazon and Goodreads as well as whatever other social media follow - word of mouth is our best possible friend! Pre-order here  https://linktr.ee/anyhumanpowerAudio versions hereAudible: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Any-Human-Power-Audiobook/B0CZSC3VQF  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1aP1GZmdTp0FHhhaDjuTN2?si=d3212df5b0734697  Apple: https://books.apple.com/gb/audiobook/any-human-power-unabridged/id1738454513  Google play: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Any_Human_Power  Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Audible-Any-Human-Power/dp/B0CZS8R8DC Permaculture Magazine https://www.permaculture.co.uk/subscribe/Manda's Website https://mandascott.co.uk

90 mins
No such thing as Waste, No such place as 'Away'! - Composting our way out of the meta-crisis with Nicky Grady Scott poster

Join us on a deep dive into the transformative world of composting with Nicky Grady Scott, a master composter and educator whose expertise is revolutionizing our approach to waste and regenerative cycles. In this enlightening episode, Nicky shares his journey from a passionate 16-year-old working with compost to the establishment of community-led recycling projects that have evolved into thriving businesses. Discover the science and simplicity behind composting, the importance of soil health, and how we can all contribute to a flourishing future by turning our "wasted resources" into rich, living soil. Whether you live in a high-rise or have acres of land, Nicky's insights offer practical guidance on creating compost, understanding soil's water retention, and the alchemy of air, water, and fire in the composting process. Tune in to learn how you can be part of this global movement towards sustainability, food security, and job creation. Get ready to be inspired to transform your food scraps into a force for regenerative change! Dr Compost https://drdotcompost.wordpress.com/about/Devon Composting Community Network www.dccn.org.ukDevon Schools project www.growingdevonschools.orgProper Job www.proper-job.orgNicky's book on Composting https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/how-to-make-and-use-compost-9780857845450/Complexity University https://complexity.university/Mycelium Network  https://www.mycelium-network.com/Nicky on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cYHHhLi0b3YCleanStream https://www.roadrunnerwm.com/blog/we-scream-for-clean-stream

72 mins
Writing the Deluge: Dark nights, Apocalypse and Hope with author Stephen Markley poster

Author Stephen Markley opens the doors to The Deluge, his ground-breaking, world-changing Climate/MetaCrisis thriller- 900 pages that absolutely squarely rips into the current system in all its deficiencies - and offers a route through to a future that might work.  This week's guest is someone who has mapped out a possible future in a depth and detail that leaves me awestruck. Stephen Markley's first published novel Ohio, was described as a wild, angry, and devastating masterpiece of a book. Stephen King called it this generation's Grapes of Wrath and there is no doubt that it's a beautifully written, lyrical, devastating debut.  But it turns out Ohio was the book he wrote in the midst of writing the novel we're going to talk about today. The Deluge is nine hundred pages of astonishing depth and breadth that takes as its topic the meta-crisis. It's an excoriating evisceration of neoliberalism and the thousands of small acts of mendacity or cowardice or sheer self-absorption that have got us to the edge of the cliff. It's an examination of just how close we are, and a portrayal of how utterly catastrophic will be the impacts if we step over. It's a deeply political book, but at heart it's also incredibly humane, with a cast of characters that spreads across contemporary American life in ways that I have rarely, if ever, encountered.  I read the book and connected with Stephen because Rupert Read, who was with us last week, called me up and said 'This is a glorious Thrutopian novel, you have to read it.' And there were times when I completely did not believe him. But he's right. it's big. It requires huge dedication. But it's well, well worth the investment in terms of the doors it opens - and the many ways it shows us how we might fail before we finally succeed.  Stephen's website https://www.stephenmarkley.com/The Deluge https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/the-deluge-stephen-markley/7544942?ean=9781982123109

49 mins
Eco-Spirituality - Exploring Deep in the Woods of the Divine with Woodford Roberts and Rupert Read poster

In this deep, thoughtful conversation, two of the men at the heart of the Climate Majority Project discuss their own journeys into eco-spirituality - what they believe it to be and why it's a core, foundational bedrock of their lives.  If you follow anything else that Faith and I do together, you'll know that we believe heart-felt connection to the All That Is forms the bedrock of human existence and is the pathway to human flourishing, to our being good ancestors, to laying that foundation on which future generations can build a world where we are an integral part of the web of life.  The whole of the Accidental Gods membership program exists to help people find ways to make this heartfelt connection and the Dreaming Awake contemporary shamanic training takes it more deeply. We don't often get to unpick this in depth here on the podcast. But long term friend of the podcast, the author, philosopher and academic, Rupert Read, suggested a while ago that we might like to have a three way conversation with him and Woodford Roberts who is an integral part of the Climate Majority Project of which they are both founder members. Both have been active in Extinction Rebellion. Both have moved on to believing that change happens in other ways, and both have at the core of their actions and activism a heartfelt connection to the All That Is, however we define it. We have regular guest appearances by people who work deeply in shamanic traditions, or other aspects of contemporary spirituality, but this is the first time we've had a chance to explore what we might call western 'eco-spirituality' in a way that is practiced distinctly from contemporary - or indigenous - shamanic practice.  Rupert is a philosopher who has studied both Quaker and Buddhist traditions, naming Joanna Macey and Thich Nhat Hahn as his teachers. Woodford Roberts - who is called Rob within the movement - comes from a more meta-cognitive stance, but still deeply embedded within western psycho-spiritual philosophy, albeit with personal experience in the shamanic realities. So this was a deep, wide ranging, thoughtful episode and I hope it helps you to navigate your own routes to thinking, feeling and being in these turbulent times. So please welcome back Rupert Read and welcome for the first time, Woodford Roberts, both of the Climate Majority Project. Bios: Woodford Roberts is a writer based in Cornwall. With a focus on eco-spirituality and emotion, Woodford's work seeks to help readers stare down the truth of the metacrisis as he seeks to do the same, sharing his own spiritual journey of navigating the challenging terrain of a time between two worlds and the lessons found within. His work appears in Dark Mountain Books, Resurgence & The Ecologist. His first book, called 'How To Be Happy At The End Of The World' is currently in development, and he publishes on a Substack of the same name. Prof Rupert Read is co-director of the Climate Majority Project and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of East Anglia. He is the author of several books, including This Civilisation is Finished, Parents for a Future, Why Climate Breakdown Matters and Do you want to know the truth? The surprising rewards of climate honesty. His spiritual teachers have included Joanna Macy and Thich Nhat Hanh. Links:  Climate Majority Project https://climatemajorityproject.com Rob in Resurgence https://www.resurgence.org/magazine/article3855-waking-up-to-the-world.htmlRob Substack https://howtobehappyworld.substack.com/'Kisses on the Wind' - A heartfelt essay written by Rob since our conversation (trigger warning - he discusses his own brush with suicide)  https://howtobehappyworld.substack.com/p/kisses-on-the-windXR Writers Rebel by Rob https://writersrebel.com/read-this-is-for-my-children/ Motes In A Sunbeam published with Dark Mountain  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdmr96gVFgw Rupert's website https://rupertread.net/Rupert on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rupert-r

79 mins
What do we really think about Food? Revolutionising what we eat with  Sue Pritchard of the Food, Farming and Countryside poster

Commission We're told so often that people 'don't want the nanny state to intervene' in what we eat or drink or smoke - and often the people saying this are those who employ literal nannies to raise their children.  But is it true?  What would we learn if someone courageous, with vision, depth and care were to find ways to ask ordinary people what they really feel?  #TheFoodConversation is huge -  in scope and depth and duration - but more in terms of what it teaches us about how people actually feel, what they actually think, and the massive difference that we can make by helping ordinary people to understand more about how food could be healthy, nutritious and affordable -  as opposed to how it is now.  If you've listened to previous episodes of this podcast, you'll know that total systemic change is one of our foundational beliefs: it's coming whether we like it or not and we'd like to manage a just transition rather than waiting to see what arises from the ashes if we keep pushing business as usual until our entire bus dives over the edge of the biophysical cliff.  And so we are always on the lookout for people who not only think systemically, but who get it; who aren't just talking the talk, but who are making things happen on the ground that will lead us all closer to the tipping points of change. Sue Pritchard is one of these people. She's the Chief Executive of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, leading the organisation in its mission to bring together people across the UK and the world to act on the climate, nature and health crises, through fairer and more sustainable food systems, and a just transition for rural communities and the countryside. She is a Trustee of CoFarm Foundation and is an independent Governor at Royal Agricultural University. Sue lives an organic farm in Wales, where she and her family raise livestock and farm for conservation. This conversation was sparked by the FFCC's inspiring Food Conversation - which brings together ordinary people and begins to unpick the web of deceit surrounding our food  - and replaces it with something that is real and decent and nourishing on a physical and systemic level.  This was such an inspiring, invigorating conversation and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Food Farming and Countryside Commission The Food Conversation Food Conversation YouTube The case for AgroEcologyCUSP Nature of Prosperity DialogueChris van Tulleken - Ultra Processed People (book)  

76 mins
How do we live, when under the surface of everything is an ocean of tears? With Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human poster

Our guest this week is Douglas Rushkoff, a man whose insights and intellect have earned him a place among the world's ten most influential intellectuals by MIT. As the host of the acclaimed Team Human podcast and author of numerous groundbreaking books, including "Survival of the Richest," Rushkoff's work delves into the intricate dance between technology, narrative, money, power, and human connection. Douglas shares with us the palpable "ocean of tears" lurking beneath the surface of our collective consciousness—a reservoir of compassion waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. His candid reflections on the human condition, amidst the cacophony of a world in crisis, remind us of the importance of bearing witness to the pains and joys that surround us. He challenges us to consider the role of technology and AI not as tools for capitalist exploitation but as potential pathways to a more humane and interconnected existence. As we navigate the complex interplay of digital landscapes and social constructs, Rushkoff invites us to question the gods of our modern age—wealth, power, control—and to seek solace in the simpler, more profound aspects of life: friendship, community, and the transformative power of awe. His vision for a society that embraces these values, even as it stands on the precipice of uncertainty, offers a beacon of hope for those willing to engage with the deeper currents of change. For listeners yearning to dive into the depths of our potential for transformation, this conversation with Douglas Rushkoff is an invitation to join a chorus of voices seeking to reshape our collective destiny. Tune in to this episode of Accidental Gods and join us on a journey to redefine what it means to be human in a world teetering between collapse and rebirth.

71 mins
Evolving Education: Building a Doughnut School with Jenny Grettve of When!When! poster

This week's guest is one of those people whose breadth and depth is an inspiration.  As you are about to hear, Jenny Grettve is an author, a philosopher, a systems thinker who takes her ideas and brings them alive in the world. She's the founder and director of When! When!, a design studio that tests and actively implements ideas and projects on systemic transformation with the goal of slowing down our speeding meta crisis. When!When! regards simplicity as a tool for innovation and create a beautiful and regenerative life for all.  Those who work in and for When!When! believe that at the core of our planetary problems lie vulnerable human ponderings about why we live, what life is meant to be and how that is deeply intertwined with our economic structure. By daring to open up dialogues on economy and emotions, fear and trust, technology and using fewer resources, but also on hope and how all living things profoundly need each other, they believe they can unlock new possibilities for our shared futures.  Jenny's heart-mind is huge and deep and we explored many areas of the transformation that's coming, from the evolution of a primary school along Doughnut Economic lines to the future of architecture, to the role of systems thinking in our political, social and, in the end, human, evolution.  It was a truly heart-warming conversation and I hope it helps you, too, to think to the edges of yourself.  https://www.jennygrettve.com https://videos.theconference.se/jenny-grettve-feminist-economies https://www.howtolivehappilyonmars.com/home/small-cities-lead https://www.howtolivehappilyonmars.com/home/systems-thinking-on-a-beautiful-life

66 mins
Building Trust - One Conversation at at Time: Cooperation Hull with Gully Bujak poster

Today we venture into the heart of Hull, where the seeds of change are being sown by the hands of ordinary people. Gully Bujak, our guest this week, is a force of nature who, since her awakening to the climate crisis in 2018, has channeled her energy into the creation of Cooperation Hull, a beacon of participatory democracy and local empowerment. Drawing inspiration from the groundbreaking work of Cooperation Jackson in Mississippi, Gully and her team have set their sights on the city of Hull, a place where political disengagement and socioeconomic challenges have forged a community ripe for change. With the lowest voter turnout in the UK and facing threats from climate change, Hull's residents are finding their voice through the innovative approach of neighborhood assemblies. Gully shares the powerful story of how these assemblies are not just meetings but crucibles of collective wisdom, where residents from all walks of life come together to listen, to speak, and to find common ground. From the facilitation of respectful dialogue to the co-creation of community-driven initiatives, these gatherings are rekindling the art of conversation and the flame of active citizenship. As we listen to Gully's journey from Extinction Rebellion activist to a catalyst for grassroots transformation, we are reminded that the future is not a distant dream but a living reality being woven by the hands of those who dare to act. Cooperation Hull is more than an organization; it's a movement, a call to action for communities everywhere to reclaim their power and shape the world from the ground up. For listeners who feel the pull to be part of this unfolding story, who yearn to see their own neighborhoods awaken to their potential, this episode is an invitation to step into the arena of change. Be inspired by the vision of Cooperation Hull, and consider what it would mean to ignite a similar spark in your corner of the world. Gully's Bio: Gully Bujak is an activist and community organizer who has dedicated her life to the pursuit of a just and sustainable future. From her early days with Extinction Rebellion to her current role at the helm of Cooperation Hull, Gully embodies the spirit of resilience and hope. Her commitment to direct democracy and local empowerment is not only changing the landscape of Hull but also serving as a model for others to follow. For those eager to learn more and to connect with the movement, visit the show notes for links to Cooperation Hull, upcoming assemblies, and resources to fuel your journey into community-led revolution. Tune in, be inspired, and join the wave of change that starts right at your doorstep. Cooperation Hull https://www.cooperationhull.co.uk/Cooperation Jackson https://cooperationjackson.org/Jackson Rising Redux - NEW Book https://cooperationjackson.org/announcementsblog/2023/3/2/jackson-rising-redux-out-nowGuardian Article re the HSBC Action and Acquittal https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/20/windows-major-bank-jury-climate-crisisGiroscope https://giroscope.org.uk/Accidental Gods Gatherings https://accidentalgods.life/gatherings-2024/

63 mins


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