Tous les rôles

The Last Kingdom : Sept rois doivent mourir
2023, Film - Action, Drame, Histoire
2010, Film - Thriller
Tales of Halloween
2015, Film - Drame, Horreur, Thriller
Butcher : La Légende de Victor Crowley
2006, Film - Comédie, Horreur
To Hell and Back : The Kane Hodder Story
2017, Film - Documentaire
Wolfman's Got Nards
2018, Film - Documentaire
Survival of the Film Freaks
2018, Film - Documentaire
Monster Problems
2015, Film - Comédie, Horreur
Butcher III
2013, Film - Action, Comédie, Horreur
2012, Émission - Comédie
Don't Do It
2016, Film - Comédie, Horreur
His Name Was Jason
2010, Film - Documentaire
Hachet 4 - Victor Crowley
2017, Film - Comédie, Horreur
It's a Mall World
2007, Émission - Comédie
Digging Up the Marrow
2015, Film - Fantastique, Mystère, Horreur
The Tiffany Problem
2008, Film - Comédie, Horreur
Slice and Dice: The Slasher Film Forever
2012, Film - Documentaire, Horreur
The Tivo
2009, Film - Comédie, Horreur
King in the Box
2007, Film - Comédie, Horreur
2007, Film - Drame, Horreur, Thriller
2011, Film - Comédie, Horreur
Butcher 2
2010, Film - Comédie, Horreur, Thriller
Gingerdead Man 2 : Passion of the Crust
2008, Film - Fantastique, Comédie, Horreur