Alle Rollen

Die Liga der Gerechten
2001, Show - Animation, Abenteuer, Science-Fiction
Teen Titans
2003, Show - Animation, Abenteuer
The Batman
2004, Show - Animation, Abenteuer, Mysteryfilm
Batman of the Future
1999, Show - Animation, Abenteuer, Mysteryfilm
Batman & Robin
1997, Show - Animation, Abenteuer, Mysteryfilm
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
2006, Film - Action, Animation, Science-Fiction
Batman of the Future - Der Joker kommt zurück
2000, Film - Action, Animation, Familie
Batman und das Phantom
1993, Film - Action, Animation, Krimi
Dave Stevens: Drawn to Perfection
2022, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Heart of Batman
2018, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Knight Immortal
2019, Film - Action, Animation, Dokumentarfilm
Batman Beyond
2014, Film - Action, Animation, Science-Fiction
Beware the Batman
2013, Show - Animation, Kinder, Abenteuer
The Batmobile
2012, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Half-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past
2015, Film - Action, Animation, Kinder
Batman of the Future
1999, Film - Action, Animation, Familie
The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest
1998, Film - Action, Animation, Science-Fiction
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton
1996, Film - Action, Animation, Familie
Fun Size Horror: Volume One
2015, Film - Horror