
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 485 poster

Improve your English with easy-to-understand phrases and idioms that help you talk about not-so-great experiences. This video is perfect for non-native speakers who want to enhance their conversational skills and express dissatisfaction like a native. Whether it's a bad meal, a disappointing event, or a worn-out gadget, you'll learn simple English expressions to express your feelings clearly and effectively.Avoid sounding like a beginner, use these natural English expressions in your daily co...

14 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 484 poster

Upgrade your English from basic to advanced with these advanced English vocabulary words and phrases. This lesson is for ESL students looking to enhance their English speaking skills through advanced vocabulary. It’s designed to boost your fluency and confidence, helping you communicate in English like a native speaker.We introduce 10 word pairs, starting with basic terms and progressing to more advanced descriptive alternatives. This approach will expand your vocabulary and improve your abil...

15 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 483 poster

If you aim to enhance your fluency and sound more like a native speaker, this episode is perfect for you. Learn adverb collocations crucial for smooth communication and particularly beneficial for those preparing for English proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or CAE. Learn essential adverb phrases used frequently in professional and casual settings. By incorporating these collocations into your vocabulary, you will find it easier to express yourself clearly and effectively in both speaking and writing. Explore advanced English vocabulary that will improve your daily conversations and give you confidence. Expand your language skills with us and make your English interactions as effective as possible! Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

21 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 482 poster

In this podcast episode, you will learn useful English collocations. Learn how to express joy, happiness, and other positive feelings in English. This lesson is beneficial for intermediate learners who want to take their English to the next level. Understanding how to describe your emotions effectively is key to boosting your English vocabulary and improving how naturally you communicate. This skill will not only help you connect better with native speakers but also enhance your ability to enjoy and understand English media like movies, books, and conversations. These phrases and expressions are also vital for those preparing for proficiency exams like IELTS, CAE, or TOEFL. Knowing how to use advanced collocations can make a big difference in your scores. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

14 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 481 poster

How to ask for something politely in English? Boost your English skills by learning how to make polite requests just like a native speaker! This English lesson is ideal for intermediate learners looking to improve their confidence and master daily conversations. You'll discover essential phrases which are crucial for polite English communication. These phrases not only broaden your vocabulary but also boost your confidence in speaking, as you'll know exactly which phrase to use in any situation, whether in personal or professional settings.  Learning how to ask for something politely in English will help you communicate more clearly and confidently. This knowledge is key for succeeding in daily English conversations, improving both your social and professional interactions.  Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

12 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 480 poster

Learn different ways to say "I'm sick" in English! This lesson is perfect for English learners at all levels who want to expand their vocabulary with phrases that are used daily by native speakers. In this episode, you'll learn a variety of expressions to describe being unwell, from having a cold to feeling nauseous. Knowing these phrases is vitally important for effective communication in English, especially in situations where you need to discuss health issues. This episode will help you improve your fluency and understand how these expressions are used in everyday English conversations. You'll gain confidence in your speaking abilities and be better prepared to express yourself clearly in English. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

20 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 479 poster

How to describe physical appearance in English. In this lesson, you will learn C1 Level advanced English adjectives used to describe physical appearance, a must-know for boosting your English vocabulary. Perfect for non-native speakers aiming to refine their English speaking skills, this lesson offers clear explanations and examples to help you describe people in detail. Whether you're preparing for exams like TOEFL, IELTS, or CAE, or you want to improve your everyday English, these adjectives will make your language more exact and help you speak with confidence. Each adjective is explained in simple terms to ensure you understand its context and use, which is essential for anyone looking to improve their English skills. By expanding your vocabulary with these descriptive words, you'll be able to share your thoughts more clearly and directly. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

16 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 478 poster

This episode will help you grow your vocabulary with advanced English verbs that will make your English sound more natural and fluent. Learn 12 verbs of motion in English. Learning these verbs is crucial for anyone looking to improve their speaking and writing skills. By adding these verbs to your daily conversations, you'll find it easier to describe actions and movements, helping you communicate more effectively and with more confidence. Understanding and using these advanced vocabulary words will greatly enhance your ability to express yourself in English. Whether you're aiming to speak like a native or just want to feel more confident in your language skills, this episode makes it easy for you. Boost your fluency and be able to explain yourself clearly. With practical examples and clear explanations, you'll soon be using these motion verbs easily in your conversations and writings, taking your English to a higher level. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

17 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 477 poster

 This episode is made for ESL learners who want to use everyday expressions, idioms, and phrasal verbs just like native speakers do. Boost your English with essential vocabulary related to relaxation and rest. Learning these phrases will help you speak English more fluently and confidently, making your conversations sound more natural. If you're looking to talk about taking it easy or hanging out with your friends in a relaxed way, this episode is for you. It's great for intermediate and advanced English learners who want to add real-life examples to their vocabulary. My clear explanations make it easy to use these expressions in your everyday English conversations. Make your English conversations sound more real and enjoyable. Get ready to add these essential expressions to your vocabulary and see how much more fun and easy speaking English can become. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

14 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 476 poster

Welcome to today’s podcast episode! If you're looking to improve your speaking skills and sound more like a native, this lesson is for you. We'll go over 10 important phrases that are perfect for giving recommendations in English. These popular English phrases will help you in everyday conversations and when making small talk. I’ll show you how to use each phrase with easy examples, so you can start using them in your conversations right away. Learning these English phrases will not only help you sound more natural but also increase your confidence in speaking English. Join me to learn useful vocabulary for daily use and see how simple it can be to recommend things in English like a pro. This lesson is all about making your English conversations fluent and more engaging. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

12 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 475 poster

Build your vocabulary and speak like a native with  20 advanced C1 & C2 level adjectives for total English fluency. This English lesson is useful for students studying for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, and other English proficiency exams, as well as those looking to improve their written and spoken English. By the end of this video, you'll be able to incorporate these adjectives into your speaking and writing, and you'll notice a significant improvement in your English language proficiency. Learning these advanced English adjectives will develop both your listening comprehension as well as your speaking fluency. These advanced words will help you build your vocabulary so that you can be more specific when describing people. Bring your English vocabulary to the C1 level and speak confidently in English. Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

31 mins
Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 474 poster

In this podcast episode, you will learn 10 different ways to say you're hungry in English. This English lesson is great for students who already know some English and want to improve their vocabulary. You will learn how to sound more like a native speaker when you talk about being hungry in your daily conversations. These natural English phrases are easy to understand and are often used by native speakers and people who speak English well. Learning these phrases is good for anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills. It helps you improve your English conversation skills and sound more natural and confident when you speak.  Support the Show. Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry Online courses start from only €7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

12 mins


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